Saving waistlines for 25 years!
Saving waistlines for 25 years!
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How to train hamstrings

How to train hamstrings

Hamstrings deserve their own workout because they are hard to isolate in a "leg routine" leaving them often neglected.

Once exercise should have the peak contraction being in the shortened position and one exercise should be in the lengthened position. I also like to include one exercise where I do one leg at a time, for example a single RDL

This is all covered in my Muscle Month Program, be sure to subscribe to be notified when the program becomes available

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Do you need carbs to build muscle?

Do you need carbs to build muscle?

Are you trying to get leaner but you want to build muscle too! It is a conflict that many have as they go low carb to lose fat but do they need carbohydrates to build muscle? If you time your carbohydrates correctly they can help you build muscle whilst you stay on track with your fat loss goal

This information is coached in my Muscle Month Program, I usually coach it once or twice a year. Be sure you subscribe (go to home page) to be notified when my program dates are announced

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Mastering Midlife

Mastering Midlife

Mastering Midlife is one of my 5 online group coaching programs (it is #5) 

Weight gain is an expected and normalized part of middle age - THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE CASE. This drives me crazy.

Yes things change but in this program I coach the changes that do occur in our mid years, but do NOT have to equal the mom/dad bod.

Midlife is our final opportunity to create the change necessary to life a full vibrant golden era. This program is epic and life altering. Subscribe to be notified when this program is available, usually it is only once a year!

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Should women train like men?

Should women train like men?

Should women train like men? You are probably thinking that I am going to say "muscle is muscle" and that women and men should train the same. But that is not the case, indeed I train women very differently than men.

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Middle Age Weight Gain

Middle Age Weight Gain

The real reason we gain weight in midlife.

We love to blame "metabolism" or "our hormones" and there might be some validity in that - but - the reason most people gain weight in midlife is because their body is "sick"

That sounds harsh, but it is the truth. The simple truth is the older we are the more prolonged are environments we have created in our body and in our health

The good news, is that once recognized it is all easily fixed

This is what I do in my Mastering Midlife Program, back 2024

Be sure to subscribe so that I can let you know when dates are released

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