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A surprisingly high percentage of the population suffers from sleep issues. It may be the inability to get to sleep or the annoyance of not being able to stay asleep. Either way, poor sleep affects your mood, performance, body weight, and ability to lose body weight.

The reasons are many, from the overactive mind, hormonal changes (especially pre and post-menopause), stress, body tightness, travel and the amount of time we spend in front of glowing gadgets.

The Sleep Formula supplement is an all-natural, non-habit-forming supplement that works amazingly well because it addresses all the aforementioned reasons for not being able to sleep.

Starting with the ones I am sure you have all heard of.

Calcium – a natural relaxant that promotes a feeling of calm

B6 – normalizes our sleep/wake patterns and is required to make serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that controls mood, appetite, sensitivity to pain and … sleep.

Magnesium – relaxes physical tension and tight muscles.

Melatonin – a hormone released from the pineal gland in the brain.  The Pineal gland is inactive during day time but is triggered into action by the darkness of night.  Once released melatonin enters the blood and you start to feel less alert and more ready for sleep.  Melatonin is found naturally in small doses in meats, grains and vegetables.

The brain associates light with day and dark with night and melatonin rather than being a sleep supplement it is rather a darkness simulator.  For those who travel in different time zones melatonin can really help with their circadian cycle (light/dark pattern) although you don’t need to travel to have this problem.  Our smartphones, computers, televisions, even our alarm clocks are confusing our natural cycle and causing sleep problems, we are seeing this especially with the young.  In 2012 Time/Qualcom polled 4700 people in 7 different countries (including the US) and found that young people were more likely to say that they “don’t sleep well because I am connected to technology all the time”

What’s the last thing you look at before sleep?

The Sleep Formula supplement goes even further using a blend of well recognized herbs to promote quality sleep.

GABA (an amino acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that dampens nerve activity in the Central Nervous System leading to a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Valerian Root a popular herb for sleep actually increases GABA

Hops Flower is similar to Valerian in being a sedative and hypnotic herb.  Made from the female flower of the hops plant Hops Flower is a popular herb often used in combination with Valerian Root. Both are well-tolerated and have been used for centuries.

Skullcap is a muscle relaxant and used for headaches, especially tension headaches.

Chamomile is used for nervous energy and mental anxiety

Passionflower a fabulous addition as it’s the herb that helps keep you asleep! Often used on its own for this one reason.

L Taurine also increases GABA and vegetarians are at risk for being deficient as it is found naturally in meat.

Inositol a sugar found in citrus fruits (negligible calories) that activates pathways to stop your mind from racing.  Inositol quietens that mental chatter that seemingly gets louder when we try to sleep.  Inositol activates serotonin and promotes the calmness needed for sleep

The Sleep Formula supplement will trigger your natural sleep pattern, it will relax your body, quieten your mind, ease anxiety and promote calmness.  It will activate your own neurotransmitters and relieve tension.  It will prepare you for sleep and it will keep you asleep – naturally.

To answer the biggest question of all.  Because The Sleep Formula works with your own regulators to allow for quality sleep it will not leave you with the dreadful hangover of a prescription pill.

Suggested use 1 capsule at night

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