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Saving waistlines for 25 years!
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MASTERING MIDLIFE September 2 - 28 2024 $479
The Shrink Shop

MASTERING MIDLIFE September 2 - 28 2024 $479

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You might have figured out that what worked for us when we were younger, does not work for us in midlife!

We can't "exercise" ourselves into shape. We can't "starve" ourselves into shape (bye bye muscle), and we can't stress or sleep deprive ourselves into shape.

We achieve optimal body composition in midlife by achieving optimal health in midlife. There is no other way.

In this one month program we explore the reasons why we change so much in midlife and I will show you how to take back control.

New to 2024 - this program cannot ignore the 400 lb elephant in the room. The weight loss industry has changed forever. In this program we will look in detail at the medications that are growing in popularity and are becoming more accessible. 

These medications are the future, they are not going away. They will be miraculous for some and they will be a disaster for others. 

Whether people are using or not using these medications, the information necessary stays the same in fact it might be even more important for those using these rx tools

Custom meal plans
10 zoom calls
Full access to me for the full duration of the program (via app chat and the zooms)


If you like information, if you want to understand the "why" then this program is for you.

Topics to be covered.

·         Becoming “Unsick”

·         How we lose weight, specific to midlife and beyond

·         Why weight loss gets stuck

·         Insulin Resistance now takes hold

·         The New era of Weight Loss medications

·         Growth vs Fixed Mindset

·         How the “normal” is about to change

·         Supplements for midlife

·         Muscle Loss with age – sarcopenia & anabolic resistance

·         Menopause & Andropause

·         The 6 Hormones that change our body in midlife (cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, thyroid)

·         Skin changes

·         Mitochondrial health and energy

·         Exercise for longevity

·         Blood work for midlife

·         Our non negotiable – food quality – why it matters more than ever

·         New habits for a new life

·         Consistency vs Perfection

·         The future is now split – societal changes, expectation, behaviors, acceptability, responsibility

·         The fence – the future of body composition has changed forever, there will be winners but there will be far more losers, more than ever. How to be a winner.

All my programs are information-packed. My goal is always to give you the information and the tools you need to succeed long term.

If you're just looking for a diet, I'm not the coach for you, and that's ok, because there are a zillion coaches out there with your next diet.

My point is ..

"When have you ever been good at something you didn't understand?"


We cannot wing weight loss, and that's especially true in Midlife.

So if you're ready to rock the golden era of your life, then I look forward to working with you.

Custom meal plans to focus on body composition and the health issues of our age.

I am fully available to you at all times (using the chat feature of the app).

This program is ideal for those who have completed the 21 Day Signature Group Coaching Program. Although anyone can purchase the Mastering Midlife course as I do a body composition zoom to bring anyone unfamiliar with my work up to speed. 

Those that have completed the 21-day signature program understand weight loss and this program is the perfect progression for them.

All meal plans will be delivered on the app & pdf

This program is open to any age. If you would like to understand midlife before you hit it - awesome. If you feel that you are past midlife this program is still perfect for you as so much of the course will explain what you experienced and how you can still reclaim your body and health.

Not suitable for vegans and not ideal for vegetarians (you would need to adjust protein sources for some meals)
